Olga Gurskaya

Certified Energy Leadership Coach, PCC ICF

I like to share everything that makes me feel good, that is interesting with my friends and family. This is why I started the blog: so I can share with you all the useful and interesting, that I learn and use, everything that helps me to be more satisfied with my life, happy and energetic. I think this is the only way to live for the Energy Leadership Coach.

Enjoy the reading and watching!

Все записи

#Holistic living

7 years ago
Thu, December 2900, 2016

Where stress comes from?

Dear Friends, this is Idea#14 that is closing the series...

In my holistic life series I’ve mentioned Yoga approach, and today I’d like to elaborate on stress and how it relates to our lifestyle, sharing the wisdom of one of the great Himalayan guru Swami Rama and my thoughts about it. Swami Rama said ”From where do your emotions arise? They arise from four primitive fountains called food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation. These fountains are called primitive, as they are the same as animals have. The difference is that Human has...

#Holistic living #Stress #Swami rama 

7 years ago
Mon, December 1900, 2016

Make space for physical exercise on a daily basis

"Never expect people to treat you any better than you treat yourself" (Bo Bennett)

This is Idea #13 in the holistic living series. What is holistic? It means dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a part. So, in terms of living it means mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical parts considered together, interconnected and interlinked.  When all these elements are looked after, life is in balance, in harmony, in peace. We’ve talked about “clean” thoughts and meditation that do not fully, but mostly cover mental, spiritual and...

#Holistic living #Sport #Hormones #Physical exercise 

7 years ago
Sat, November 1200, 2016

Breathing exercise will help you to be more calm and healthier

We are alive while we’re breathing. This process, as many other physiological processes is automatic, we’re not thinking about it. Without thinking we’re involving a very small part of our brain and lungs, leaving the major part out of participating in breathing. By developing control over breathing process, doing breathing practices for a few minutes a day, we can drive significant changes in our body and our life. More of our brain cells will become active during exercise, and after it....

#Holistic living #Calmness #Breathing #Pranayama 

8 years ago
Tue, October 1800, 2016

Quality sleep is one of the secrets for productive days

Idea #11 from my Holistic Living Series. 

My Dear Friends, majority of us know that enough sleep regularly is one of the secrets of good health and long life, but many people ignore it. There are even trends to reduce the number of hours for sleep. Not enough sleep is affects our immune system, makes our body imbalanced and less healthy. We all can recall the difference in the way we feel after a sleepless night and a good night when we wake up fresh and ready for a great day. On average a person needs from 6 to 8 hours of quality...

#Holistic living #Health #Sleep 

8 years ago
Mon, October 300, 2016

Meditation is a great way to get rid of stress and find harmony

Idea #10 of Holistic Living Series

Dear Friends Today I want to share Idea #10 of Holistic Living Series. Сегодня и на русском языке - после английского. Meditation is a very simple, yet powerful method to relax. Our stress, that speeds up an ageing process, slowly goes away when we mediate. During meditation our breath and heart rhythm slows down, blood pressure goes down, as well as a stress hormone (cortisol). Due to its nature, meditation calms our brain, and the body can...

#Holistic living #Holistic Lifestyle #Стресс #Медитация #Холистический подход #Stress #Meditation 

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