Olga Gurskaya

Certified Energy Leadership Coach, PCC ICF

I like to share everything that makes me feel good, that is interesting with my friends and family. This is why I started the blog: so I can share with you all the useful and interesting, that I learn and use, everything that helps me to be more satisfied with my life, happy and energetic. I think this is the only way to live for the Energy Leadership Coach.

Enjoy the reading and watching!

Все записи


7 years ago
Mon, May 2200, 2017

"10 secrets for success and inner peace", week 1 day 1

Dear Friends, Hay House World Summit 2017 is a great source of wisdom. And Weyne Dyer’s approach a purposeful and peaceful life is really inspirational. So, I decided that I’ll start with implementation of his “10 secrets for success and inner peace” principles. This book, and the lecture (available in the summit till tomorrow https://www.hayhouseworldsummit.com/learn) is about Weyne’s ways to succeed in life. Not materially, but spiritually. For majority of the years of my life I...

#Weyne Dyer #Spirituality #10 secrets for success 

8 years ago
Mon, April 2500, 2016

Spirituality is not limited in any way or to anything

I wish you a wonderful start of a working week. And want to talk to you about spirituality. We’re all spiritual beings, and every one of us has a set of beliefs, set of values, principles and practices that support us through our life. Starting from the first days of life, baby has a strong feeling that mother is the source of all good things: food, comfort, love. While growing, our beliefs are changing, and all our experiences, as well as environment helps us to form a set of believes....

#IPEC Principles #Spirituality 

© 2015-2025 Olga Gurskaya