Olga Gurskaya

Certified Energy Leadership Coach, PCC ICF

7 years ago
Wed, June 2800, 2017

Day 38 of my “10 secrets for success and inner peace” journey

Secret 6 – You Can't Solve a Problem with the Same Mind That Creates It

Continue thinking on this topic… How to change the mindset that creates the problems, to the one that finds solutions. Especially when you’re so much troubled with the problem that you do not even believe a solution exists, or the problem can be solved, or you can try something and be successful. Let me offer you an algorithm, and looking forward to hearing your feedback: 1. Faith or at least hope is very important. It is the base that you should either find or build on. Believe that if...

#Weyne Dyer #Problems #Solutions #10 secrets for success 

7 years ago
Mon, June 2600, 2017

Day 36 of my “10 secrets for success and inner peace” journey

Secret 6 –
 You Can't Solve a Problem with the Same Mind That Creates It

In coaching, we often offer our clients to look at the situation from the different perspective: a friend, a conflicting party, their mother, a great historical leader. Why? Just to change their perspective and open new ways to look at things. It helps to break the loop, where our mind is stuck at times going rounds and rounds and rounds. A story… Today my boyfriend was in a very depressive mood. It happens occasionally. While talking he shared with me that he sees a particular situation as...

#Weyne Dyer #Problems #Solutions #10 secrets for success 

7 years ago
Sun, June 2500, 2017

Day 35 of my “10 secrets for success and inner peace” journey

Secret 5 “Give Up Your Personal History”

Today is a day of Sheker Bayram (Eid Holiday) after a month of fasting in Muslim Countries. I want to wish a beautiful and peaceful day for all the friends that are celebrating. As I understand (and want to hear comments from my friends, if it is true) the month of fasting (suffering) is to prove your strengths and dedication to God, but also to understand how less fortunate people  live their life, be compassionate and value what we have. Do you ever note how a simple thing can make a...

#Weyne Dyer #Present moment #10 secrets for success 

7 years ago
Mon, June 1900, 2017

Day 28 of my “10 secrets for success and inner peace” journey

Secret 5 “Give Up Your Personal History”

This week is about learning to live here and now. My mind, probably similar to yours, always building the plans, and at times it goes back to remember the things I’ve done, I’ve said, and questions it. So, this is what I’m going to focus on this week: stop questioning the past, stop replaying the events. They are already gone. The lessons are learned. I did my best, as anyone of us always does. I’ll be paying more attention on where I’m today, and where I’m going. Of course,...

#Weyne Dyer #Mindfulness #10 secrets for success 

7 years ago
Thu, June 1500, 2017

Day 24 of my “10 secrets for success and inner peace” journey

Embrace Silence

I want to share a story but a quote of Weyne Dyer first " . . . just being in the energy field of those who meditate raises the serotonin levels of the observers . . . The more you achieve peacefulness through meditation, the more your peaceful state impacts those around you." And with this I’d like to share a story of our trip to a small town in Turkey, Edirne with its beautiful Selimiye mosque. We went there with my boyfriend and it is a really beautiful peaceful place. He decided to...

#Weyne Dyer #Meditation #Silence #10 secrets for success 

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