Сертифицированный Коуч Энергетического лидерства, РСС, ICF
Я очень люблю делиться с друзьями и родными всем тем, что меня радует, что мне интересно. Поэтому я и затеяла блог – чтобы поделиться с Вами всем тем полезным и интересным, что я узнаю или использую. Всем, что помогает мне быть более удовлетворенной жизнью, счастливой и, конечно, энергичной – а как иначе может жить коуч Энергетического лидерства.
Приятного Вам чтения и просмотра!
When the year comes to an end, many of us are thinking and analyzing on how it evolved, what was good, what was not. We remember our happy moments, our losses and sad situations. And we look at things happening around us, and it is hard to understand many of them. Political developments, oil prices, terrorists actions… This short view of life creates a feeling of purposelessness, victimization. The long term view holds the truth – that there is an underlying pattern and connection to all...
We have a family tradition. For the 8th year in a row we’re issuing a family newspaper. (You may see a picture of 3 of them). I’m an editor. A girlfriend of my nephew is a publisher. All the family members are the writers. Shortly before the New Year I collect the wishes for the New Year and pictures from everyone. place it in one page. And on the other side of the paper we put a feedback about the wishes made a year ago. It is so nice way to manifest your desires. And...
My Dearest Friends, End of the year is time to celebrate successes and create a vision for the New Year. In Russia, we usually make a wish when the Kremlin Clock is beating 12 times while opening Champaign, pouring it into all the glasses and drinking it to make sure that dreams come true. This is a great method. But I want to offer you something different. A Vision Board! You may see mine that I’ve created in 2009, and everything I wished there came true! This might be a...
December is usually a time when we’re “closing the year”: doing our best to finish things as planned, preparing for the celebrations and many of us are thinking… What’s happened, what’s not, how was the year and why? Me too... It was a year of a big change. And, of course, as a Finance Director, I’ve planned how it should be, what should happen and when. You know, how finance people like to control, right? Not everything was going as planned. There are many areas that are outside...
#Life is adventure #Olga Gurskaya #Control #IPEC Principles #Let go
Сертифицированный Коуч Энергетического лидерства, РСС, ICF
© 2015-2025 Ольга Гурская