Ольга Гурская

Сертифицированный Коуч Энергетического лидерства, РСС, ICF


Я очень люблю делиться с друзьями и родными всем тем, что меня радует, что мне интересно. Поэтому я и затеяла блог – чтобы поделиться с Вами всем тем полезным и интересным, что я узнаю или использую. Всем, что помогает мне быть более удовлетворенной жизнью, счастливой и, конечно, энергичной – а как иначе может жить коуч Энергетического лидерства.

Приятного Вам чтения и просмотра!

8 лет назад
Пн, 25 апреля 2016

Spirituality is not limited in any way or to anything

I wish you a wonderful start of a working week. And want to talk to you about spirituality. We’re all spiritual beings, and every one of us has a set of beliefs, set of values, principles and practices that support us through our life. Starting from the first days of life, baby has a strong feeling that mother is the source of all good things: food, comfort, love. While growing, our beliefs are changing, and all our experiences, as well as environment helps us to form a set of believes....

#IPEC Principles #Spirituality 

8 лет назад
Пт, 8 апреля 2016

We all have a higher coach

My Dearest Friends, We all have voices talking within us. I have many, and the conversation is always ongoing. There is an Inner Critic, an Analytic, a Source of Knowledge, Supporter, some other voices that appear depending on the situation. At times, there is a voice that helps to take decision, gives recommendation or shares an idea. This is a voice that we can call a “Higher Coach”, the inner instinctual voice that, when listened to, guides with wisdom and empowers us with...

#Suceess #IPEC Principles #Coaching 

8 лет назад
Пн, 28 марта 2016

The world is a perceptual illusion

Research conducted regarding the principles of quantum physics demonstrates that the world we experience is a creation of our perceptions. We simply attract and then we see what it is we expect to see. Certain leading scientific experiments and research indicate that we actually create what we expect to happen. We create our world through interpretations of reality that we make. Few weeks ago we’ve started a very nice initiative with my friend: walking by the Bosphorus early in the...

#Self awareness #Positive thinking #IPEC Principles 

8 лет назад
Вс, 20 марта 2016

Truth is the power

“The truth will set you free”. Living and expressing the truth and being authentic will not only set you free from fear and worry, but also realign us with our core essence. Truth is the power that makes extraordinary and lasting changes in people’s lives and in the world. These days, when such tragedies are happening in the beautiful country I live, in Turkey, similar to many people around me I feel very sad for people whose family members, relatives, neighbors are affected by the...

#Truth #Istanbul #IPEC Principles 

8 лет назад
Сб, 5 марта 2016

We either grow or die

Good spring day my Friends, Spring is a good time for this topic, as we’re similar to plants: either growing or dying… And I’m not talking about physical death, when our body and mind stop function physically. But about our spiritual, mental death which is opposite to our growth and development. Just imagine you’re doing absolutely the same job for years, having your daily routine with no changes. Nothing new. And your brain does not have any exercise to practice, as everything that...

#Enjoy #Growth #Feel great #Judgement #IPEC Principles 

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