I like to share everything that makes me feel good, that is interesting with my friends and family. This is why I started the blog: so I can share with you all the useful and interesting, that I learn and use, everything that helps me to be more satisfied with my life, happy and energetic. I think this is the only way to live for the Energy Leadership Coach.
Enjoy the reading and watching!
My Dear Friends, We all have this little voice inside that tries to prevent us from embarrassment, failures, disasters. Protects us. But in the meantime, it does not allow us to risk, and try something that we would like to. It creates a lot of confusion and doubts. It is the voice of Inner Critic, the strongest Energy Block. In this 5 min video, I'm sharing a 4 step approach that can help you to overcome this voice, and start playing big, without self – doubts.
#Olga Gurskaya #Energy blocks #Inner Critic #Energy Leadership
My Dear Friends, Interpretation is the third energy block, which can be a reason of a negative, catabolic energy. And watching this 5 min video will allow you to get two simple recipes to challenge the interpretations, come back to your positive state and joyful, not stressful life. Enjoy it and share with you friends who you’re wishing the same.
© 2015-2025 Olga Gurskaya