Olga Gurskaya

Certified Energy Leadership Coach, PCC ICF

I like to share everything that makes me feel good, that is interesting with my friends and family. This is why I started the blog: so I can share with you all the useful and interesting, that I learn and use, everything that helps me to be more satisfied with my life, happy and energetic. I think this is the only way to live for the Energy Leadership Coach.

Enjoy the reading and watching!

Все записи

#Energy Leadership

7 years ago
Thu, August 3100, 2017

Lead your Energy: thoughts -> emotions -> actions

Dear Friends, The end of summer and start of a new school year always brings some changes in our life, and some extra stress in many cases. To  make our lives less stressed, more productive and joyful, I’m  starting a series of short 5 min videos. It is based on Energy Leadership concept, experience of my clients and myself. Let’s lead our Energy towards our dreams. Together 

#Olga Gurskaya #Energy Leadership 

7 years ago
Thu, June 800, 2017

Day 17 of my “10 secrets for success and inner peace” journey

You Can't Give Away What You Don't Have

I’m traveling to Saint Petersburg, the city I love, the city my both parents are from. My train was at 5:40AM, but I’m so happy. Sun is finally here, beautiful scenery of Russian fields, woods, and little villages is passing by. A Very nice movie about first Soviet cosmonauts. Hot green tea. And an interesting working day is coming. Looking forward to it with joy, peace, and enthusiasm. This is what I have inside now. Will let you know tomorrow if this is what I’ll be sharing with the...

#Weyne Dyer #10 secrets for success #Energy Leadership 

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