Ольга Гурская

Сертифицированный Коуч Энергетического лидерства, РСС, ICF


Я очень люблю делиться с друзьями и родными всем тем, что меня радует, что мне интересно. Поэтому я и затеяла блог – чтобы поделиться с Вами всем тем полезным и интересным, что я узнаю или использую. Всем, что помогает мне быть более удовлетворенной жизнью, счастливой и, конечно, энергичной – а как иначе может жить коуч Энергетического лидерства.

Приятного Вам чтения и просмотра!

6 лет назад
Чт, 2 ноября 2017

Lead your Energy 14: Absolute passion and no stress

Dear Friends, The highest Energy Level, Level 7, is there when we are very passionate, absolutely not judgmental, and fearless. When you feel that you can create anything you want. No doubts. Full confidence. Sounds not realistic? But every one of us experiences it. Listen to this 7 min episode to understand how to get there more often. And waiting for your examples of tasks that take you to the “Flow”.

#Olga Gurskaya #Level 7 #High Energy level #Flow #Energy Leadership 

6 лет назад
Пн, 30 октября 2017

Lead your Energy 13: spiritual connection makes miracles

Dear Friends, Let’s start the week with our energy mobilization. 13th episode of “Lead your Energy” series will help you to understand what Spiritual Energy influencer can do for you… How connection to things that are important for you can skyrocket your energy, your results, or make you feel frustrated and disengaged. This is the biggest energy influencer, that can help us to move the mountains. I’m talking about a case when a mother feels a threat to her child, and the energy...

#Olga Gurskaya #Spiritual connection #Energy Leadership 

7 лет назад
Пн, 16 октября 2017

Lead your Energy 12: Tap to the Creative genius energy

Dear Friends, We all experience moments of Joy, moments of “Wow”, moments of just knowing without any reasoning. These are the “symptoms” of the 6th Energy Level, Level of Synthesis, High Anabolic (positive) Energetic State, that I’m exploring with you today. I’m also talking about the ways to elevate the energy to this level at the end of this 6 min episode. Would be great to hear if these “recopies” were working for you?

#Olga Gurskaya #High Energy level #Synthesis #Energy Leadership 

7 лет назад
Вс, 8 октября 2017

Lead your Energy 11: make environment work for your energy

Dear Friends, in this episode I’m inviting you to think about your optimal environment for a particular task to make it a success. Learn how to  mitigate environmental stress by listening/watching this 5 min video. I’m talking about fresh air, as a “must have” for me. What is your critical environmental factor, my friends?

#Olga Gurskaya #Energy Leadership 

© 2015-2024 Ольга Гурская