Сертифицированный Коуч Энергетического лидерства, РСС, ICF
#Suceess #IPEC Principles #Coaching
My Dearest Friends,
We all have voices talking within us. I have many, and the conversation is always ongoing. There is an Inner Critic, an Analytic, a Source of Knowledge, Supporter, some other voices that appear depending on the situation. At times, there is a voice that helps to take decision, gives recommendation or shares an idea. This is a voice that we can call a “Higher Coach”, the inner instinctual voice that, when listened to, guides with wisdom and empowers us with unlimited potential. Realising that aligning ourselves with our greatest power and potential allows us to know that answers to our challenges and questions are always within our grasp. More importantly, when we connect with your Higher Coach, we connect with the best and truest part of who we really are.
For me it is not always easy to distinguish the voice of my Higher Coach in the chorus. But it is certain that this voice does not have any agenda (compared to the Inner Critic, who wants to keep me in my comfort zone), it comes from the heart and we always feel a support from Universe if we listen to this voice. It might be a call from someone, meeting with someone, some news in the Internet or TV, sign in the window, or conversation of strangers. Things just unfold the way they should.
I want to share a story with you. For the last 10 years I’ve been moving the house 4 times. And always I follow the way I’ve invented with that first relocation. I put all my requirements in a list, in order of importance, staring from the things I can’t compromise and ending the ones that are nice to have, but it is possible to survive without it. And then start checking the places. And the Universe always brings the one that I feel home and happy as soon as I enter the place. I think that my Higher Coach guides me in this process, giving me this warm feeling when I enter my home. What helps me to hear this voice? Clear goal (I want a beautiful home), preparation (list of criteria, balancing reasonable and unreasonable), active passionate work (house hunting), faith (I have a strong believe in the success), openness (pay attention to the signs and what’s going on around), and team of supporters (strong professionals around me).
I have this success in one area of my life. And now I have a question I’m working on: “What can I do to deploy this success in other areas of my life?” And you know what, I found my answer, while writing. My Analytical voice helped me to get a clarity on this.
Thank you so much, my Friends. And I hope that this small example will help you to deploy the success and listen to your Higher Coach in all walks of life.
Сертифицированный Коуч Энергетического лидерства, РСС, ICF
© 2015-2025 Ольга Гурская