Сертифицированный Коуч Энергетического лидерства, РСС, ICF
Я очень люблю делиться с друзьями и родными всем тем, что меня радует, что мне интересно. Поэтому я и затеяла блог – чтобы поделиться с Вами всем тем полезным и интересным, что я узнаю или использую. Всем, что помогает мне быть более удовлетворенной жизнью, счастливой и, конечно, энергичной – а как иначе может жить коуч Энергетического лидерства.
Приятного Вам чтения и просмотра!
Good spring day my Friends, Spring is a good time for this topic, as we’re similar to plants: either growing or dying… And I’m not talking about physical death, when our body and mind stop function physically. But about our spiritual, mental death which is opposite to our growth and development. Just imagine you’re doing absolutely the same job for years, having your daily routine with no changes. Nothing new. And your brain does not have any exercise to practice, as everything that...
Dear Friends, We are all living in duality –light/dark, good/bad, right/wrong, hot/cold, happy/sad etc. One side of duality judges things as positive, another one – as negative. To move away from this duality and experience the moment, without judging the event or a person, just live the life as it is, might be the way to bring a peace and harmony within us and in the world. Of course, all our life, our past experiences taught us different approach. We know from our childhood, what...
Dear Friends, We have not been in touch for a while. happy to come back to you with my thoughts... Today it is about connection... Chaos theory shows us how butterfly flapping its wings in China can be instrumental in causing creation of a tornado in New York. We are each intimately connected to everything else, at all times, everywhere… We are all product of the past and our actions create implications in all aspect of our and others futures. This week in one of the workshops I’ve been...
Dear Friends, I wish you a wonderful winter day. And want to talk about one of the principles that I was struggling to understand when I was studying in the Coaching school. But I was patient to wait until I understand the link between passion and consciousness, and now I think I feel it. Consciousness is the way we understand ourselves, others. And passion? Is a way we feel when we know that we love what we do so much, and there is nothing that can stop us from doing it, and we feel...
Good morning my friends. This principle is a cornerstone of coaching. The coach knows that the client has all the best answers for himself, as there is no other person who knows the situation better than the client. And the coach helps the client to find the answer, have courage to face it, and words to formulate it. It is just matter of time, wording or energy until the answer is revealed for any question or challenge… by the client. This principle is also very useful in our day-to-day...
Сертифицированный Коуч Энергетического лидерства, РСС, ICF
© 2015-2025 Ольга Гурская