Olga Gurskaya

Certified Energy Leadership Coach, PCC ICF

People striving to achieve great results often facing the questions HOW to

  • To «turn on» the energy and acomplish a lot of things in a limited time
  • Overcome «burn out» in professional and private life
  • Feel motivation for life and work
  • Change job from boring to inspiring
  • Claim the career ladder quicky
  • Achieve goals without stress, but with joy
Managerial experience of 20+ years
Worked in 3 countries, management of a cluster of 17 countries
More than 500 sessions with Top Managers

I faced these questions many times during my 20+ years career of an executive. The systemic answer was given to me withEnergy Leadership™ program

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How Energy Leadership™ program helps ambitious leaders gain clarity, turn on the ir energy and achieve more?

Each peron has their own Energy Drivers, the ones that «turn them on», motivate, inspire


Those, who achieve a lot, they know and control and manage their Energy Drivers, so that they can utilize the whole power of their potential


Management of your Energy Drivers is a competence. It can be learned similar to time managment or financial planning.

Energy Leadership™ program allows leaders to turn on their Energetic Potential, connect to their Energy Drivers and achieve more, much more. By mastering this competency the Leader feels more successfull and satisfied with their life, their achievements. He builds harmonious relationships, achieves goals efficiently, and becomes healthier.

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Olga Gurskaya

Certified Energy Leadership Coach, PCC ICF

  • A former CFO and Finance Director.
  • Leader with 20+ years of experience in Jonson&Jonson, AFK «Sistema», Independent Media, Reebok, Mars
  • More than 500 sessions with company leaders
  • Professional Certified Coaching for the teams and individual leaders: IPEC, Ericson, AoEC
  • Works in English and Russian
  • Certified Yoga teacher
  • Testemonials from the companies
How Energy Leadership™ program helps ambitious leaders to get clarity, energy and achieve more

Discoverty Session


30 minutes

Skype, phone

Free of charge


Energy Leadership™ Coaching program


6 sessions of 1 hour each

Skype, phone

Assignments between sessions

One session is also possible

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Postivie Change (Energy Accelerator) program


24 hours

Within 3-4 months

Intense day,
VIP Intense day with 6 hours of joint work

3 leadership skills training, 2 hours each

12 coaching sessions

Assignments between sessions

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Request a DIscovery Session

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Testimonials on working with Olga

Gregorio Asero

Head of Quality for Western Europe / Middle East and Africa

Olga is an easy person to recommend. I am so happy to share the great impact she had in my career. 

I was feeling I was actually not in the driver's seat of my career, what was impacting my work-life balance, my overall engagement at work was suffering. It is difficult to work hard and engage toward something when you have no idea what you are working towards or when the direction you are taking seems to be completely not the want you actually want. 

Olga through the coaching process help me out by getting my thoughts, feelings an actions in agreement. She supported me through the process to understand my real priorities in life and work according with my values and to regain the passion needed to succeed. 

In my many interaction with Olga I have found her to be a very client focused individual who is fully capable of bringing out the best in the people she connects with. She is very knowledgeable both in coaching and also in the corporate environment, and highly authentic. I really enjoy working with Olga.

PS: Грегорио перешел на работу в другую компанию и переехал в другую страну через 1 год после окончания коучинга

Olga Katsaouni

Finance Director, Johnson&Johnson Medical, Russia

I have used Olga's executive coach services for one of my direct reports. The result was an excellent turnaround in terms of behavoir and self awareness. A great talent reached her potential following Olga's coaching. I certainly recommend Olga for other potential customers and I will certainly use her again for some of my direct reports
PS: Сотрудник получил повышение через 3 месяца после окончания коучинга

Елена Кабалкина

Legal Director, Johnson&Johnson Medical Russia, участница программы “Энергичный Завтрак”

Познавательный тренинг, который помогает участникам взглянуть на многие личные и рабочие ситуации под «иным углом» и позже применить и отработать приобретенные навыки на практике. Тренинг настраивает на конструктивное восприятие окружающей действительности и правильную расстановку приоритетов. Отдельное спасибо Ольге за позитив и индивидуальный подход к каждому участнику.

Denis Rubtsov

National Sales Manager, Stryker Russia

We had an experience of working with Olga on leveraging the level of engagement and teamwork in our business development and marketing departments.

Using Energetic Leadership concept accompanied with some elements of Lencioni’s “5 dysfunctions of a team” Olga performed a great program for us, combined out of some one-on-one work with each of team member, followed by a summarizing group training.

I believe everybody on this training got valuable insights on how his energy level influences his performance, his colleagues and his life in general.

And what’s even more important, as a result of this program I see a transformed and engaged team, where every team member is feeling responsible to act in a positive mood.

On one hand, this results might seem ephemeral, but my strong belief is that such things are highly linked to productivity and are helping to turn a good team into great.

PS: Команда Страйкера была признана лучшей командой 2017 года во всей компании


в поиске себя

Я хочу Вас поблагодарить!!! Вроде всего два разговора, но они очень помогли мне разобраться в себе и взглянуть на свою ситуацию со стороны! Жизнь изменилась и теперь двигаюсь дальше с радостью. Ещё не нашла своё призвание, зато знаю куда иду, к любви, к радости, к счастью. Спасибо за поддержку!!!!
PS: через месяц после окончания коучинга Анна встретила своего будущего мужа – единомышленника, и ее мечты о совместных проектах осуществляются

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