Сертифицированный Коуч Энергетического лидерства, РСС, ICF
#Weyne Dyer #Olga Gurskaya #10 secrets for success
I went to Saint Petersbourg with a wonderful mood, full of joy, peace, and enthusiasm. And it welcomed me with the same mood. I had a productive working day and 2 spare hours to walk around. It was a first sunny summer day. Happy people. Happy city. It is nicely renovated and I really admire the work on keeping it in a good condition that has been done since my last visit in 2010. This trip might be a small example of sharing the optimism and joy and getting the same in return. Try it! It works!
And a wise quote of Weyne Dyer: " . . . create a huge inventory of what you wish to give away . . . the universe responds with the same energy that we send out . . ."
PS: Letniy sad (summer garden) is so beautiful…
Сертифицированный Коуч Энергетического лидерства, РСС, ICF
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